
Honoring Our Retirees

After our High-Dan Board Meeting on January 21, hundreds gathered at Steve Selby’s Dallas Martial Arts Academy to honor our retiring HDB members, James Toney (Chairman), Royce Young (Vice Chairman), Richard Jenkins and Tim Vought. Three of the original founders of the association were present to add their thanks. Allen Steen, Pat Burleson and Ed Daniel joined the current High-Dan Board in the activities. Chairman Keith Yates and Executive Director Charles Bouton presented plaques to the honorees and several members of the crowd shared their memories of the four gentlemen. In additional GM Yates made “Karate Master Hall of Fame” induction presentations to Mr.s Young, Vought and Jenkins (Mr. Toney was previously inducted). Of course plaques and paper certificates cannot adequately express our appreciation to these outstanding martial artists who have served so diligently for so many years on the board of the AKBBA. Go to the gallery page to see photos of this historic event in the life of the American Karate Black Belt Association/Chin Sook Hage Kwan.