Skipper Mullins Memorial

We remember AKBBA karate pioneer and international champion Skipper Mullins 4/25/46–5/15/20. Services will be at noon on Friday, May 22, and live-streamed on Facebook.

Black Belt Promotions Nov. 10

Bruce Brutschy, Keith Vitali, Allen Steen, Dan Anderson, Hans Gerd Hinz, Mike Genova, at the 10th degree black belt promotions in Dallas on November 16, 2019. Along with GMs Brutschy, Vitali, Hinz and Genova, Troy Dorsey and Linda Denley were all awarded with this prestigious honor by the AKBBA See more at the photo gallery

Jhoon Rhee, Rest in Peace, 4.30.18

Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee, the acknowledged “father of taekwondo in America”, passed away on April 30, 2018. He was 86. Mr. Rhee was, of course, the instructor of Allen Steen (at right in the photo above, along with Keith D. Yates, AKBBA High-Dan Chairman). He introduced taekwondo to the US when he arrived in Texas in 1956. His first black […]